Saturday, November 6, 2010


I just posted, but forgot to mention the funniest things Dawson has been saying lately. The other day he goes, "Mom, I know everything you know." Really..... Now he says it at least once a day. He also came up and told me, "Mom, I have more friends than Gerald." Gerald is one of the kids who works the machines in the back on league nights. TOO funny! He also lately has had some imaginary friends who to him are NOT imaginary. One is Airplane. And he talks about Airplane quite often. The other was Sally. She doesn't get mentioned very often. Anyways, forgot to blog that in my earlier post!

Halloween and Such

So I am totally slackin on the Blog! And trying to type with Caleigh's help so bear with me here! The last few months have been so busy with school, Dawson's birthday, Chet was in football, Bryer is now in wrestling, Halloween, scouts, etc. etc. I am posting pictures of all the above.
I was put in as young womens president in September so that doesn't keep me nearly busy enough......... NOT! So added on top of everything else...... We are a pretty busy family.
Bryer got his first deer, a buck and was so excited.
All the kids except for Caleigh are in gymnastics and Presley is also in ballet. They are all doing awesome! The boys also started youth league bowling yesterday.
David was able to take a day this week and go fishing, he caught two nice ones. One to mount and the other to eat! Yum! I do love fish I guess that comes from a long line of fisherman, Dad Grandpa and so on! I wish David had more time to go so we could stock our freezer with fish.
This monthe we are looking forward to Presley's 6th birthay. CAN"T believe she will be 6! Also one of my 2 favorite holiday's THANKSGIVING! Yay, I love Thanksgiving! My other favorite holiday is Christmas and coming up so quickly! But not to rush, I am so Thankful this month for all we have and we do have so much! We were able to rent a nice home that we fit into with our family of 7. It has really been a blessing to me to have more room and clean water and all the things that go along with a home! We are all healthy and are lucky to have each other. The bowling alley is doing well and we are able to have the things we need. We live in a beautiful state and are so blessed with all the freedoms we enjoy and usually take for granted. David and I both have wonderful families that we get to see more often than some. Wow that is just skimming the surface, but I wanted to touch on some things that I have been thinking of lately.
Anyhow, hope everyone reading this is having as wonderful a fall as we are! We really have been spoiled with beautiful colors and perfect temps! LOVE it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


We are trying to get a few last things done before school starts and summer is officially over. David and I just got back from a few days in Montana for our 13th anniverssary. We dropped the kids at Mitch and Bonnie's on Thursday night and headed in to Yellowstone. We got there about 11 and spent the next hour trying to find a motel. They were all booked except for one that was $190. We declined the offer and decided we could handle a night in the car. We drove into the park and pulled off by the river and tried to sleep. We had switche Bonnie outfits so she would have more room to meet us Sunday with the kids. Her car is nice but not the best for sleeping in..... We were up and going by 6 which gave us a ton of time Friday to just enjoy each other and different sights of Yellowstone, and over to Livingston. The nest few days we just drove to different sights and places and had so much fun. I missed the kids like crazy and would love to take them back to different places in the next few weeks. They had a blast with Nana and Papa who took them camping, and school shopping and to aunt Nancy's for much needed hair cuts! Thanks in-laws for taking such good care of our kids!!!!

School starts in 8 days and we are going to try to get to the river a few times as the pool just closed for the season and finish up school shopping. Pres can't wait and had so much fun school shopping with nana and papa, "It was like a fashion show mom!" she said of trying on clothes and buying a lot at once. The boys had fun shopping but are less than thrilled about starting school.

We had a great weekend and are just gearing up reality after a sweet weekend!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer stuff

Hey all! We are trying to hurry and enjoy what is left of our summer. We have been trying to hit the pool as much as we can which the kids LOVE. Dawson is our fish, he has yet to have a lesson, but the kid is under water swimming more than he is up! It is so funny he loves it!! We are so lucky to have the pool so close. We have also been to the river a couple of times. Our friends live right on the river so we have been down playing in their backyard and swimming there as well. SO FUN!!! The weather has actually been awesome this summer not too dreadfully hot!! I hate the heat and anything above 90 makes me crazy, so this has been a great summer weather wise so far.

We have been picking raspberries at our house as well as a friends house so I am also trying to get freezer jam done. YUMMY!

Let's see Bryer left on Tuesday for scout camp, they are in the bighorn crags mountains (not sure where that's at for sure) and that's been a challenge for me because though he has been away from me for more than a few days, it has never been without a way to talk to him anytime I wanted! We had a huge wind/rain/thunder/lightening storm yesterday afternoon here and I really started to worry for him. He is in good hands though as the leaders are all great capable guys. Still....... it's been hard to have him gone. Ok so I am feeling a little like grandma Robson a little on the worry wart side! Only a little though right?! Oh well he is my baby!!! He will be home tomarrow. Can't wait!

School starts on the 30th so we will try to get as much done before then as we can. Our 13th anniversary is coming up on the 23rd and we are going to try and get away for a few days, not sure where yet.

Almost done with co-ed softball yay! It gets old after a while.

I am missing going hucklberrying (sp?) in Tetonia a ton! My body must be programmed for hucklberries this time of year cuz I sure am craving them! Hope you Valley people are getting lots! There are pretty much NONE in Salmon.

Caleigh is talking a ton now and it is so cute to hear her yell Bya, Det, Peyeeeee, Da, mom, dad, bear (our dog). She is too funny! Her favorite thing is to ride the horse. The boys saddle the horses almost every day and ride around and she screams when we take her off she LOVES it. She is growing much to fast for me. I hate it. But she sure is cute! I'm just sayin'! I got lucky there cause all my kids are pretty darn great!!

Chet is also growing up faster than I keep up with, he will be in Jr. high this year cause the 5th grade is in the middle school. WEIRD!! He can also play football this year which he wants to do, but I'm not sold on the idea because he is so skinny! We will have to start on some protien shakes or something! Too bad I don't have that problem!

Let's see I think that's it for today, sorry about my novel today maybe I should blog more often so my posts wouldn't be so long........ Hope everyone is enjoying the last month or so of your summer!!

If you want some awesome inspiration, read my cousin David's missionary blog. HE ROCKS! He is the best missionary ever and I love reading his letters! Hope my kids turn out that great!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Busy busy busy

What a busy few weeks our family has had! Let's see, we started off with Father's day with Mitch and Bonnie, follwed by Chet's 10th birthday. He had friends meet at the pool to swim and then have cupcakes. Then the next day Carie brought Brinley and Kolbi to stay for a few days. The kids had a blast with them! They are the sweetest girls and we loved having them here. I think thier parents were the only ones glad to have them home!! I drove them home Friday early as the boys had baseball tournaments in St. Anthony that weekend. We were able to stay with our good friends Mark and Jenny that night and had fun there. The boys played well and it was a good weekend. Last week Chet and Presley had swimming lessons and then we went back up to Tetonia for another ball tournament in the Valley. Tasha is here from Texas for a few weeks and we were able to see lots of family over the weekend as all of my sisters and brother were up and grandpa and grandma also came over for a dutch oven dinner. After the dinner we went to see Glenn Beck speak at the Huntsman springs golf course. He was just amazing! We were sitting right up front and there were tons of people there. He just really brought the feeling of how America was, what our forefathers had in mind and fought for and what we need to fight for as Americans. It just gave me more meaning for my fourth of July. We then were treated to an amazing fire works display. The music and shorts clips of video underneath the fire works was just so cool! What a great fourth!!! We will probably be up there again this weekend for the Beard reunion and then hopefully have some time off from running for a while! We will see I guess. Happy Independance day all and may God bless America!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I am thinking that May is getting to be as busy as the month of December! I have posted some pictures of the things that have been going on, but to name a few things, Presley had kindergarten registration, her dance recital, and she and Caleigh got booster and immunization shots. Bryer and Chet have been busy with baseball, scouts, and end of school things. They both made the all star teams for baseball, Bryer for majors, Chet for minors, so that was exciting! We will be traveling to St. Anthony and Teton so they will get to play against some old friends. They have one here in Salmon over fathers day weekend and Bryer had a tournament Friday and Saturday in Darby. His team lost their first, won their second and lost their third game. The weather was crappy Friday but sunny for Saturday and we all got a little bit red. Chet had tournaments here in salmon to end his regular season and then will start practices for all stars this week. Let's see I started work at Bertrams a few nights a week for some money, and throw in a few kittens to take care of mice around here and trying to plant and get a garden to grow with nonstop rain and we have had a very busy month!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The latest

So just a quick post, the weather has been awesome and between the sun and the rain we are looking pretty green here in Salmon!! It is so nice to see some color finally!!! We will be moving to a different rental next week. AHhh I hate moving! But can't wait because there is a huge garden spot all ready to till and plant! Can't wait to plant corn and things I've never been able to plant it Tetonia!! Hopefully weather cooperating I can plant next week! That's much more fun than moving! The kids have been sick throwing up all week so that has definately not been fun! So far David and I have avoided it but the week isn't over yet so we will see! The boys are busy playing baseball and we are just finishing up the leagues. So it is crazy at the Beard household!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The boys wrestled at Challis last night and did so well! Chet got third and Bryer second. It was really fun to watch them they are both doing awesome and Chet is really improving and getting into it!! If he loses the other guy has to work pretty hard to get him, and he is so cute when he wins. He is a really good sport win or loss I love it! We were going to go to Mackey today but got home so late last night and Chet wasn't feeling that great, David either so we passed it up, but they have a match here in Salmon next Saturday. Tanner and Trey were at Challis with the Hill boys and they all did so well too! Little Trey is so cute out there! Just a smilin the whole time! So cute. I guess I am a lone ranger today and tomarrow, David took the kids up to the Beard's for Mitch's birthday, so I am here workin' and holdin' down the fort. Not complaining though, it's kinda nice to have a break from the kids and hubby even though I love and miss them so much when they are gone. The weather has been so great and so springy, I love it!! David got a job here in Salmon that will carry us through the summer and keep him hopping in the winters as well. We are so greatful to have work though as it is hard to come by these days. Now the trick is to find a house as we had planned on being in Tetonia again this summer, and the river guides move into the house we are renting now in June. Hope to find something we can be in pretty permanantly and then we will just rent our house that is not likely to sell. Just hope we can find renters!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's going on?

I really am over due for an update on this blog! Can't believe February is almost over! Let's see, so Caleigh turned one on the 26th of Jan. She had a fun day, she walked, cut her first 2 teeth, and had birthday cake and presents all in one day! She really went for it! She is so sweet and growing so fast. She now walks everywhere and is starting to try and run. I guess it's more of a fast side step because she is afraid of falling and it's so cute! She has a very high pitched scream right now that she uses to voice her opinion, let you know what she wants, lets you know she is happy, etc. It's all in that scream. Very annoying and having a hard time with how to break that one. Very inconvenient when in a very quiet sacrament meeting and she decides she wants anything or sees anything interesting. We spend a lot of time in the hall. It will be nice when she can talk rather than scream. She has started to nod yes and shake no so that's a start! The boys are wrestling and have their first meet Friday. Bryer is doing hunters safety this week. He also has mastered the round-off back handspring and can also do round-off double back handspring on the spring floor. Presley is still enjoying dance and gymnastics as well as preschool. She keeps saying "Can't I just go everyday?!" All too soon she will be doing just that, and I am not sure I'm ready to have her in school full time yet. All the kids are growing and time is flying. It's really feeling like spring here and it is so nice, well, except for the rotten mud of course!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun with Friends

A week ago today we went to Island Park with Carie and Rory, Jeremy and Jessica, and Eric and Anna. We had such a blast! We rented a cabin and went snowmobiling, got in the hot tub, ate a ton of great food and just had a great time. Mitch and Bonnie babysat and watched the bowling alley for us and we just had a great "date" weekend. It was so nice to just reconnect a little bit and enjoy the company of great friends!! We are so blessed to have wonderful family and friends. The weather was great and we had lots of fresh powder. I haven't been on the snowmobile for several years and it was so fun. Can't wait to do it again. Caleigh and I just celebrated our birthdays as well so it has been an eventful week! Caleigh had a great day and loved when we sang to her. She was very dainty with her cake and hardly made a mess, which is not nearly as entertaining as if she would have dug in and gotten all messy!! She started walking and cut two teeth that day as well. She just really went for it on her birthday!!! The boys start wrestling this week and Presley is learning her dances for the big recital in May, we are so busy but enjoying life and our awesome kids!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Well here's to a new year!!! We had a wonderful December. It flew by but we enjoyed family and Christmas and a break from work and school. Christmas was spent in Tetonia and we had blast in the snow, and got to see all of our families! Santa found us there and the kids were so happy with all they got. The hardest part was loading up to come home. And of course the ever NOT so pleasant task of unloading and putting everything away! I hate that part. But we were so glad for some time in Tetonia. Sledding was a blast. Dawson was tearing up the hill and we all got a good laugh, he had NO fear and could have gone all day without a break!! So cute. We finally got some snow here in Salmon just in time for 2010! Not much but a decent start. Reflecting back on the year some highlights:
1. The birth of our fifth baby Caleigh. She is such a joy and so sweet. Can't imagine life without her!
2. Summer in the Valley.
3. A super fun family reunion.
4. Presley's first ballet recital.
5. Bryer's first year of wrestling with the school.
6. Chet playing basketball and minors baseball.
7. Dawson finally talking and just being his cute little self.
8. A really fun 4th of July with Mark and Jenny just enjoying friends and the great outdoors.
I am sure there is more that's just all I can think of right off the bat. I hope 2010 brings as much if not more happiness than 2009. Times can be hard so I am very thankful for our families and my faith to make it through this life. May everyone be as blessed as I am!!! Happy New Year!!!



A hospital visit for presley

A hospital visit for presley

All Stars

All Stars


Bryer is in the red

Chet getting a hold of one!

Chet getting a hold of one!

Caleigh 2 months


Caleigh has such cute little feet!