Saturday, November 6, 2010


I just posted, but forgot to mention the funniest things Dawson has been saying lately. The other day he goes, "Mom, I know everything you know." Really..... Now he says it at least once a day. He also came up and told me, "Mom, I have more friends than Gerald." Gerald is one of the kids who works the machines in the back on league nights. TOO funny! He also lately has had some imaginary friends who to him are NOT imaginary. One is Airplane. And he talks about Airplane quite often. The other was Sally. She doesn't get mentioned very often. Anyways, forgot to blog that in my earlier post!

Halloween and Such

So I am totally slackin on the Blog! And trying to type with Caleigh's help so bear with me here! The last few months have been so busy with school, Dawson's birthday, Chet was in football, Bryer is now in wrestling, Halloween, scouts, etc. etc. I am posting pictures of all the above.
I was put in as young womens president in September so that doesn't keep me nearly busy enough......... NOT! So added on top of everything else...... We are a pretty busy family.
Bryer got his first deer, a buck and was so excited.
All the kids except for Caleigh are in gymnastics and Presley is also in ballet. They are all doing awesome! The boys also started youth league bowling yesterday.
David was able to take a day this week and go fishing, he caught two nice ones. One to mount and the other to eat! Yum! I do love fish I guess that comes from a long line of fisherman, Dad Grandpa and so on! I wish David had more time to go so we could stock our freezer with fish.
This monthe we are looking forward to Presley's 6th birthay. CAN"T believe she will be 6! Also one of my 2 favorite holiday's THANKSGIVING! Yay, I love Thanksgiving! My other favorite holiday is Christmas and coming up so quickly! But not to rush, I am so Thankful this month for all we have and we do have so much! We were able to rent a nice home that we fit into with our family of 7. It has really been a blessing to me to have more room and clean water and all the things that go along with a home! We are all healthy and are lucky to have each other. The bowling alley is doing well and we are able to have the things we need. We live in a beautiful state and are so blessed with all the freedoms we enjoy and usually take for granted. David and I both have wonderful families that we get to see more often than some. Wow that is just skimming the surface, but I wanted to touch on some things that I have been thinking of lately.
Anyhow, hope everyone reading this is having as wonderful a fall as we are! We really have been spoiled with beautiful colors and perfect temps! LOVE it!



A hospital visit for presley

A hospital visit for presley

All Stars

All Stars


Bryer is in the red

Chet getting a hold of one!

Chet getting a hold of one!

Caleigh 2 months


Caleigh has such cute little feet!